Friday, 4 May 2012


 Here you are the results from your english level evaluation test....What do you need improve?



  1. Fantastic graphics¡ Well done¡

  2. Good job, very thorough.

  3. Curiously enough, the main cause of trouble to speaking English are the nerves, I feel identified.
    People who describe their own English as ''very good'' have an official language certificate. I think the others don’t dare to describe as ''very good'' our own English.
    Good job!
    Regards, Juan Manuel Chacón Jiménez.

  4. I also think that sometimes it is very difficult to speak because we feel nervous or are afraid of doing errors... But nevertheless, speaking is the most important part. Reading and understanding are almost always easier. In my case sometimes I have a lack of vocabularies, there are some missing or besides this sometimes I can remember a word in spanisch but not in english or the other way around :D (German is my native language)Doing questionnaires to identify problems and areas of work is quite useful. Seeing the results you know what you have to do to improve your language, where you have to work on. Good work!

    Anna (Psy. of Groups, Class 2013=

  5. I think that speaking is the most important aspect when you are learning a new language, because is the main objective, to communicate with others verbally direct. Nowadays people tend to identify their level of English depending on the certificate they have already got. From my personal point of view, your level in any language is much more complex than a simple exam, so spot your level of English is more difficult than an exam certificate number.
    Congratulations, good job.

  6. I totally agree with the fact that children start to learn English at the primary school because at earlier age it’s easier to assimilate new information than when we are adult. Moreover, English as a second language is essential and necessary for the future.
    Soledad Fernández Cuenca (1ºA, 2013)

  7. Speaking the language is, in my opinion, the hardest part, because you have to use everything else very quickly, with good pronunciation. Also, self-confidence is important. In the English Summer Camp where I work self-confidence is the first aim when teaching English.
    Lucas Castillo, 1º A

  8. I agree with Lucas, for me speaking is the hardest part and how good you are in this part depend on your self-confidence. If you have a higher level of self-confidence you won't be nervous when you are talking with other person and you can be better understood than other person who generally has a higher level of English but gets very nervous when he/she talking.

    Elena Herrera (1ºA, 2013)

  9. wow most of the students in the graphic consider their english level good. It´s very important for our future to learn other languages, and it's good that we consider that we can always improve it :)

    Pilar Díaz-Pavón Mañosa 1ºA

  10. For me, As Lucas and Elena said, the most difficult part is the speaking, because, in my particular case, i get very nervous and i don't know if i am speaking well and do all the grammatical rules. On the other hand, when I listen other people speaking I understand they without problem.
    Jose Enrique Garcia 1ºA 2013

  11. I always say that the most important part of Language learning is selfefficacy (for example believe that you can learn English and get an excelent level).
    I assure you that I find the speaking also a very difficult part, but I think I would prefer to be better at grammar/sentence structuration.
    Nicolás Castillón 1ºA 2013

  12. We don´t really notice how important languages are and more specifically, English. I can tell you an anecdote that happened today:
    My aunt was walking by the street and a German woman asked her about an address. My aunt has no idea about English and the German woman had no idea of Spanish. They weren´t able to understand each other. Finally the solution was sign language. It was the only way that they understood each other. The problem is that sometimes this language is not enough.
    With this simple example I have tried to show that learning languages is always a win and not a loss.
    (Elena Gómez de Agüero Ortiz 1ºA)

  13. Looking at those graphs -and despite that I don't know really well how to intrepret some of them because of the scales involved; I don't know what is the top score, etc.-, I'd like to join this discussion saying that I am moderately, and, in a positive way surprised about the results. Since I started to enter the Universitary environment, I've been hearing opinions from people, who were generally outside this environment, that today's Spanish youth is not well prepared when it comes to bilingualism or knowledge of other languages in general. I try not to give more credit to these comments than the one they deserve, but one cannot avoid to keep an eye on the other partner's language skills.
    With this said, it's relieving to see that this class was also competent with English, and presented good results in these tests.
    To conclude, I would like to encourage everybody to undertake bilingual studies because it might be more challenging, but it's also a more rewarding option for us.

    Camilo Ábalos (1st A, Psychology of Groups)

    1. Totally agree with you Camilo. Our group mates have a great English level and they also understand how significant it is (proud of you, guys).
      Nicolás Castillón 1ºA 2013
