Which are the three main aspects that define primary groups?
2) Which are the three phases of Bales' model?
3) How is position sustained in formal relationships?
4) Explain three differences between primary groups and formal groups.
5) What do we understand by affective integration when regarding to Moreland's Social Integration model?
6) What does "social loafing" mean? Describe it applying it to the group’s development.
7) Explain three different classifications of group techniques, regarding the targets.
8) Explain the voluntariness of membership in a primary group and its length in time.
9) List and explain the four phases through which the group's development goes, according to Tuckman's model.
10) Define membership and explain its two components.
11) Besides of the number of members that makes the group, what is it that determines whether it is considered as a big or small group?
12) Which are the models that are characterized by the absence of any kind of phases during the group's development?
13) What is the relationship between status and social position?
14) Mention three different traits which characterize the setting-up of a group.
15) Describe the lineal models that explain the group's development.
16) Explain the different kinds of non-functional behaviour in social roles.
17) What are the main traits of non-lineal models?
18) Which are the criteria of group techniques’ election?
19) Which are the types of groups regarding external traits in relation to membership?
20) What are group techniques?
21) Describe briefly McGraths model for group’s development.
22) What is the summarizing role's function inside a group?
23) List the election criteria of group techniques that can tell us whether that chosen technique is suitable or not.
24) Could a membership group be a reference group at the same time?
25) According to Bales' model, which are the two needs between which individuals have to divide their effort?
26) Which are the main features that differ formal group from informal groups?
27) What does Moreland's Social Integration process consist on?
28) In which circumstances do social loafing effect and social facilitation effect appear?
29) List three aims that group techniques try to reach.
I found these questions and I think they are very good to prepare one's self for the exam. Thanks for posting them here. My exam is in two weeks, so I will use them for my study :)
ReplyDeleteAnna (Psy. of Groups, Class 2013)
I agree with Anna. Now that I have found them, I hope they can help me practising for my exam.
ReplyDeleteJust as a suggestion, in my opinion it would have been good if we had done an exam during the course just to check our knowledge and make us feel more confident about the final exam.
Irina Nogales Groiss (2013)
I agree with Lucas! I think this is the best way to practice and memorise the content of the subject. I also hope we can see the effect of these questions in the exam.
ReplyDeleteMaría de Arcos Martín. 1º Aa.
I agree with María. It is a good way to practice if you studied first. I also hope we can see the effect in the exam!
ReplyDeleteLucas Castillo, 1ºA
yes,is a good way to check that you have really learn what you have study, but our exan is multiple choice with an open question, and it doesn't made me feel calm :S
ReplyDeletePilar Díaz-Pavón Mañosa 1ºA, 2013